My Visual Mihi

Kia ora my names Alfie and we have been learning how to a make visual Mihi in Cybersmart this term.

A visual Mihi Is like all about me with your favourite Things and this one is mine.


I made this on google slides.

This also lets people know more about you and know what you like to do!

I really hope you enjoyed looking at this and would you make something like this.



All About Me

Gday My name is alfie

I Love To Play cricket rugby and soccer with my friends

The Beach is my favourite Place to go

I love  the food sushi  and I love the animal Dingo

and my Favourite colour is pink

summer learning journey seaside story

Hello everybody Alfie here. Today I want to share with you my Summer Learning Journey activity on creating a seaside story.  I used google slides to create an animation to go along with my story. I got inspired by this recent trip me and my family had to Wainui. I really enjoyed my trip to Wainui, my Dad brang along our Jetski which I had a ride on and we saw Dolphins and Blue Penguins! My story is about a cow who goes on an adventure on his Jetski, suddenly he falls off and gets stranded in the middle of the ocean! Luckily he gets saved by Dolphins who help him back to shore and become his new friends :).

My Story –

The Sun shone over Wainui Beach as the calm trees waved in the soft breeze.


Woosh! The Jetski sped through the crystal blue sea. “Ahhh!” yelled the black and white blur standing on top of it. It Was a Cow? 


Suddenly a humongous wave CRASHED into the Cow making him topple of the jetski into the depths of the sea. Cow opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by water, dark shadowy figures approaching him.


The Cow suddenly realized that they weren’t just dark shadowy figures, they were Hungry killer whales hungry for Cow!  


Cow swam up to where he could breathe and saw his jetski Moving out of sight. “Help help”  cow yelled tears ran down his face. He was gonna be those orcas’ next snack…


Just when the Cow thought hope was all gone 3 dolphins jumped in the way and saved the cow . “Get on our back”  the dolphins said “Quickly There’s not much time”!  


Cow was Rushed back to shore by the dolphins  and became best friends with them. “Thanks for saving me,” cow said  “No problem,”   the dolphins replied.

“We have to go”  “Bye” they said! “BYE”   cow said!


Summer learning journey creature crafting

Hi Alfie here!  Today I did another summer learning journey task called creature! creation!  This task was about creating your own creature hybrid.  I picked 3 creatures to create my hybrid, the first animal I picked was an emperor penguin, the second one i picked was a seal and the last animal I picked was an Orca. Then I drew the picture  which was easy because i could imagine what it looked like. but then I just needed the name after 10 minutes of thinking of a name the name Emperorsorca  came to here’s the results

Emperorsorca is an ocean predator with the body of a seal, the beak and yellow crown of an emperor penguin and the sharp teeth, blowhole and fin of an Orca whale.

Its found in the cold icy waters of southern New Zealand in underwater  caves and feeds on crabs, fish, carcass, shrimp, seabirds, and starfish. There is only 7 left in the world making it very highly endangered.



Summer Learning Journey

Hi I’m Alfie and I went to my Nanny’s house to do a science experiment called Anti gravity

if you want to try this experiment listen carefully and follow my steps!

1st Take a glass and fill it up with water

2nd Get a card and cut it into a square and make sure it fits over the top of the glass

3rd then use your hand pressure and push and hold it hard so it sticks on

4th then go to the sink and flip it over gently

5th Final step take your hand off the card

and now the card should still be stuck to the glass and the water shouldn’t  escape.and that people is called air pressure

air pressure is pushing the card up whilst it is the water is being pushed down by gravity .the water and the card stay in the same place which means… the air pressure and gravity are equal

I hope I taught you something today have a great day!